Could you analyse 6 sets of SATs papers for your entire Year 6 or new Year 7 in one day and produce 4 comprehensive question level reports?
DAISI can – for any School or Academy in England – right now!

Question Level Analysis
Question Level Analysis breaks the results of an assessment down into simpler parts – focusing in on successes and highlighting areas to focus on. It can really help prepare for exams, and gives teachers a true insight into their cohorts.
DAISI Education QLA has been proven to improve attainment over time and with our Individual Pupil Profiles, Targeted Topic Insight and Detailed Cohort Analysis included as standard, we firmly believe that we give you the tools to Help your pupils Realise their Potential..
Your Official SATs Results analysed without any data inputting required
Full Mock SATs Test Analysis using 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 SATs papers
Shorter (One Hour) SATs based tests providing full KS2 Curriculum Coverage
One Hour Mathematics SATs based test looking at Y3 – Y5 Maths curriculum only
Our QLA Combined offer gives you Analysis of your Mock SATs and Results in one package
Analysis of your new Year 7s SATs Results – So much more than a scaled score
One Hour Mathematics SATs based test providing full KS2 curriculum coverage
Analysis of GCSE Past Papers with Key Topics identified for revision catch ups..
Money-Saving Offers on DAISI QLA
Here at DAISI Education, we are passionate about supporting all schools so that all pupils can realise their potential. Every penny we create is put straight back into education.
Our QLA Combined offer gives you Analysis of your Mock SATs and Results in one package
Check out our Early Bird Codes: Money off by ordering early!
Our Primary Mailing Lists gives you 10% off everything and more.
We offer bespoke discounts for any Multi Academy Trust / School Federation