DfE Sign-in (DSI) is a single secure point of entry to DfE IT systems.
Use of the site ensures better protection of data.
In school there are 2 types of DSI user
- End Users – able to make data submissions to the collections they have access to
- Change their personal details
- Reset their own lost or forgotten password
- Approvers – have the ability to
- Search for users within their organisation
- Invite new users to the system
- View user accounts
- Archive user accounts
- Add and remove access to Departmental systems as required,
- and where access is granted to COLLECT, specify/select the data collection(s) that are able to be accessed.
Every School should have a Secure Access ‘Approver’ within their establishment.
The DAISI service also offer to be an Approver for your school at no extra charge to ensure continuity of access should a key member of staff be absent or leave your school.
Links and Downloads
Collecting information from parents
Form to parents that schools can download and adapt e.g. school logo, giving examples of ethnic origins.
Standard letters to parents for you to take the text from and work into your own document.
Model Letter for Data Collection