This year, above all others, there is a greater need to look at where our pupils are and build a personal learning journey around them.
It is estimated that by the time the pandemic is over, most children across the UK will have missed over half a year of normal, in person schooling (over 5% of their entire time in school). This is a remarkably large about of time away from their teachers and the established routine of classroom learning with its constant reinforcement.
As educators, we need to commit ourselves to never stop learning about our pupils.
Accurate, valid and reliable assessment data can provide valuable information to help teachers address the learning decay that will have taken place. We need to put the personal back and begin where children are, rather than focus on where we would like them to be. We need to understand them, get to know them once more and enable them to pick up their learning at a point that is right for them.
Have a read of our latest blogs where we discuss this..
Put the Personal Back
Never before has the personal connection within education been so needed
Position of Knowledge
Are we putting teachers in a “position of knowledge” or hoping for the best??
Never Stop Learning
We need to commit ourselves to #neverstoplearning about our pupils
Our aim at DAISI Education is to put teachers in a position of knowledge to enable all pupils realise their true potential.
Question Level Analysis
Our detailed Question Level Analysis breaks an assessment down into simpler parts – focusing in on successes and highlighting areas to work on.
Individual Pupil Profiles
Our Pupil on a Page profiles enables the class teacher or tutor to focus in on the areas of need for each individual child.
Targeted Topic Insight
Our Analysis allows you to target those areas and questions across the whole class and create a bespoke curriculum around the needs of your pupils.
Detailed Cohort Analysis
We break the results down to enable you to see specific groups and cohorts enabling your tutors and classroom assistants the tools they need.
This analysis is perfect for teachers, tutors, teaching assistants and parents enabling a true focus on the areas to reinforce learning creating a personal learning journey for every pupil.
QLA Baseline
Full Mock SATs Test Analysis
Using 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 SATs papers
Pinpoint where pupil’s learning from
previous years is secure…
Target the topics and types of questions
needing further learning…
Focus in on the individual need of each
of your pupils…
QLA Concise

We have created one hour baseline papers for use in school with year 6 and year 7 with all questions taken from previous SATs papers.
- Deliberately combined to provide full KS2 curriculum coverage.
- Each paper arrives ready to use including provision of a full detailed mark scheme.
- Package also includes full forensic analysis of results including Individual Pupil Profiles and Detailed Cohort Insight.
Available for Mathematics and Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar.
Time Saving Analysis of GCSE Past Papers
Key Topics identified for revision catch ups..
Question Level Insight to help identify
strengths and weaknesses.
Forensic Analysis across all cohort types(Gender, FSM, EAL, Ethnicity, KS2 APS)
Easy to read reports that immediately
show areas that are secure
More information about Question Level Analysis..
If you want to know how we can reduce your teacher’s workload by doing the analysis for you, Contact us by clicking here.. [email protected].