How we can help your School Improvement journey

DAISI Education is a Traded Service working out of Nottingham City Council which started in 2011 supplying bespoke analysis to schools across the city. We now serve schools across the country.

We are able to serve your local authority by providing..

  • Forensic Analysis proven to help aid data conversations
  • Detailed Question Level Analysis adding value to your sold service
  • Bespoke Assessments to aid the teaching of KS2 Maths
  • Full Summary reports for you as School Improvement officers.

We also offer a full service in partnership with you to provide full data support.

KS2 Maths Assessments | KS2 SATs Results | Transition to Secondary | Partnership | Feedback

Bespoke Assessments for KS2 Maths

Our unique and tailor-made assessments – accompanied by our forensic analysis of the results – have been proven to help improve results and save teacher’s time. We firmly believe these products will help you support teaching and guide learning to allow every pupil to realise their potential.

We will contact every school on your behalf asking for data permission and the data itself once the tests have been administered. We will then turn the data into meaningful analysis for every headteacher to act on. Each school will receive their own report detailing the results in forensic detail. We will then collate all the results into a FREE summary report for you containing a full school by school comparison and averages.

  • Commission CPD support and Identify curriculum interventions based on real evidence.
  • See clear trends and areas to work on across your chosen group
  • Clear comparisons with National figures + (in the summary report) from one school to another

Full Question Analysis of the KS2 SATs

The KS2 SATs give a validated indication of each of your students strengths and weaknesses and the results are made available every year by the DfE – broken down to performance in each individual question via analyse school performance.

  • Time Saving Analysis for all your headteachers – direct to their inbox.
  • Forensic InsightProven to help improve results over time
  • Every Topic, Every Question, Every Cohort analysed in detail
  • Take a Detailed look back and see how you could change your curriculum for the future.

Find out more about our QLA Results by clicking here

We will contact every school on your behalf asking for data permission and the data itself which will need to be downloaded from ASP (instructions provided). Each school will receive their own report detailing the results in forensic detail. We will then collate the results into a free summary report for you once all the data has been received.

Transition to Secondary (Using the KS2 SATs)

The KS2 SATs are standardised assessments – marked independently – and provide the basis for the Progress 8 score in years to come. By using this data, you remove the need for a baseline test and provide a clear footing for the future.

Our analysis takes this information and re-creates it into summary reports, pupil profiles and more. It has created over time in collaboration with teachers, ASTs and a former Maths Hub Lead, and been designed with Ofsted, Departmental Heads and Class Teachers in mind.

  • Detailed Analysis of all your Year 7 Pupils
  • Full Analysis: Mathematics and English including Summary reports and Individual Pupil Profiles
  • Time Saving Insight – No need to run a Baseline Assessment
  • Full Overview for Heads of Year/Department

Find out more about our QLA Transition by clicking here

We can offer a full analysis of this for a collection of schools across your LA when you order the assessment as a bespoke order. Each school will receive their own report detailing the results in forensic detail. We will contact every school on your behalf asking for data permission and the data itself which will need to be downloaded from ASP (instructions provided).


Increasingly Local Authorities are turning to collaborative working to sustain and safeguard services.

Our LA partnership model has already enabled other Local Authorities to deliver an efficient high quality service. Our flexible reporting ranges from the forensic detail to LA level intelligence, graphical to written analysis, personalised to anonymised in both ready to use and fully editable formats.

  • Individual Primary School Performance Analysis – Forensic Data Packs of all key stages
  • Forensic Question Level Analysis: KS2 SATs for Year 6 & Year 7 Transition.
  • LA level reporting – all schools and academies.
  • Strategic overviews and insight for area-wide improvement.
  • Analytical narrative, not just data.

To discuss what partnership working could mean for your LA, please contact: Mark Attwood (Business Development Officer – DAISI Education)

Phone: 0115 87 64655 or Email: [email protected]

Feedback from Current Partners

Wirral Council have worked with us since 2023. We provide comprehensive performance reports for a selected group of their schools to enable a deep focus on the teaching of mathematics. In addition to the school level reports, Wirral also received Local Authority level summary reports.

Mark, Shaun and the team at DAISI have provided us with the in-depth information required to really drill down and discover what needs to be done to improve mathematics outcomes. Not only has their diagnostic information enabled us to identify specific strengths and weaknesses, it has also enabled us to flag up key pupil cohort achievement. As a result, leaders are adapting the taught curriculum to ensure any gaps in knowledge are being effectively addressed. I would recommend the DAISI analysis package to anybody who really wants to understand what their assessment information is truly telling them.”

John Tomlinson, Senior School Advisor – School Effectiveness, Wirral Council

Luton Council has worked in partnership with Nottingham City Council’s DAISI service since 2016. We provide comprehensive performance reports for many of their schools including data packs, QLA, Analyse School Performance and more. In addition to the school level reports, Luton also receive Local Authority level reports and bespoke reports based upon Statistical First Release data.

“From the outset, working with the DAISI team has been a positive experience. They are responsive to the needs of the authority and schools and have enabled us to develop the service to meet our needs. The expertise of colleagues in the DAISI team has been invaluable, providing suggestions, advice, guidance and updates. I am delighted that we have entered into this partnership which is mutually beneficial to both parties and invaluable in these times of limited resources.”

Carol Wylde, School Improvement Adviser, Luton Council

Click here for our case study