Full KS2 Maths Curriculum in a One Hour Paper
Why do three mock papers when one will do!
PLUS Forensic Analysis of the Results
Individual Pupil Profiles to aid intervention
Detailed Insight into all your cohorts
How does it work? | Benefits | Feedback | Offers Available | PDF

How does it work?

Our OneHourMaths papers look at the whole KS2 Curriculum. All the questions have been taken from SATs past papers – each carefully chosen to guarantee every topic is tested and a variety of question types are attempted. They therefore can provide the same forensic analysis as if looking at all three Mathematics papers.
There are currently two Assessments available – based on the 2017 or 2019 past papers.
As part of the package, we also provide a Full and Forensic Analysis of the Results including by topic, question type, all your many cohorts plus our individual pupil profiles specially designed to aid interventions.
What do we need you to do?
Each assessment is delivered as a PDF and arrives ready made for photocopying and use in the classroom saving you valuable time. It comes with its own mark scheme giving a clear indication of where each question has been taken from in the original paper.
Teachers will need to mark each paper and input the results in our spreadsheet for our forensic analysis. You would need to enter names, UPNS and the individual marks into our spreadsheet…
- 0 = Question attempted, no marks.
- 1 = Question attempted, 1 mark.
- 2 or 3 = Question attempted, 2-3 marks.
- N = Question Not Attempted.
You will receive full instructions with your order acknowledgement.

One Hour Maths
Bespoke Assessment Paper and Mark Scheme ready to use
Detailed Forensic Analysis of the Results including individual pupil profiles
Created within 3 working days from provision of data.

Benefits for you

With each order, you will receive…
Full Assessment Paper and Mark Scheme
- Time-Saving Shorter assessment paper
- Carefully designed to cover the the full KS2 Curriculum
- Arrive pre-prepared saving teacher time.
- Easy to use in one lesson.
- Teacher instructions included.
- Full Mark Scheme linked to original topics and questions.
- Each question cross-referenced; domain references/test framework, showing which subject area each question is assessing.
Detailed Forensic Analysis of the Results
- Individual Pupil Profiles for every child (2019 only).
- Forensic Topic Insight across all categories
- Cohort Analysis to enable you to see specific groups.
- Single page views with clear graphs, charts and tables.
- Clear Statements to explain throughout.
- All figures bench-marked against national figures from the year chosen.
- Strands with the most marks available are highlighted, making it easier to see areas that are secure. (also includes ‘% of correct marks’ as well as ‘% of questions attempted’)
- Detailed Insight allowing your school to identify key gaps and prioritise actions for the future.
- Robust data to aid refinement of teaching and the recovery curriculum.
- Quick Turnaround within 3 working days.
- Reports ready to share with Assessment Co-ordinator, Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Class Teachers
- Overarching Multi Academy Trust Strategic Report also available on request.

What have schools said about DAISI QLA?
“Mark, Shaun and the team at DAISI have provided us with the in-depth information required to really drill down and discover what needs to be done to improve mathematics outcomes. Not only has their diagnostic information enabled us to identify specific strengths and weaknesses, it has also enabled us to flag up key pupil cohort achievement. As a result, leaders are adapting the taught curriculum to ensure any gaps in knowledge are being effectively addressed. I would recommend the DAISI analysis package to anybody who really wants to understand what their assessment information is truly telling them.”
Senior School Advisor – School Effectiveness, Wirral Council
“DAISI QLA is a wonderful product. It has not only saved me a lot of time but is clear and easy to understand. It is a resource I will share with our governors. I have also recommended DAISI QLA to other Head Teachers.”
Headteacher, The Butterwick Pinchbeck’s Endowed CofE Primary School
“These tools have supported us to enable class teachers, subject leaders, senior leaders and governors to accurately evaluate their areas of responsibility and plan for school improvements over the coming 12 months.”
Nottingham Schools Trust
“Enormous thanks for the QLAs. I’m really pleased with them. My Y6 teachers can now focus their teaching on specific areas during the spring and early summer to give the children the best possible chance of achieving their potential in the SATs.”
Headteacher, Grangehurst Primary School, Coventry
“In regards to the QLA as we have such a large cohort – it is good to look for areas/types of questions where children have struggled and we need to focus on further in the future. The QLA for each individual child is useful when looking at specific children within groups SEN, FSM, PP looking particularly at their individual progress in each subject.”
Headteacher, Fernwood Primary School, Nottingham
Order your OneHourMaths today

After your order is received, you will be sent the paper, mark scheme and results spreadsheet. You will need to administer the test, mark each paper and input your pupils’ results into our spreadsheet and send this back to us.
You will receive full instructions with your order acknowledgement.
We aim to send your reports back via secure email within 3 working days from provision of data.

Money-Saving Offers for DAISI OneHourMaths

Order as a group and receive a discount (LAs, MATs, Federations)