Welcome to DAISI Education
Here at DAISI Education, we are a team of expert analysts passionate about turning data into meaningful insight so that your pupils can realise their potential.
Our Product range is designed with teachers, tutors, teaching assistants and headteachers in mind and offers a wide range of data analysis that could really make a difference in your school or academy..
Click on the links below or scroll down for more information..
Who are We? | Primary | Secondary | Partnerships

KS2 SATs Analysis
The KS2 SATs give a validated indication of students strengths and weaknesses and the results are available every year – broken down to performance in each individual question. These are standardised assessments – marked independently – and so when analysed forensically, they give detailed insight that can make a real difference in your school or academy.

Your Official SATs Results analysed without any data inputting required

Your new Year 7 Cohort SATs Performance broken down into your bespoke sets

Baseline Assessments
We believe that each school requires a personalised solution to their data needs. Our unique and tailor-made assessments – accompanied by our forensic analysis of the results – have been proven to help improve results and save teacher’s time.

Year 6 Maths Baseline looking only at the Year 3-5 Curriculum.

OneHourMaths – Full KS2 Curriculum in a one hour assessment.

Mock SATs Past Papers
So many schools are now doing Mock SATs to prepare for the real tests in May. Our Mock SATs QLA Reports bring you full insight into every topic, question type and more – all broken down with graphs and statements to aid future intervention and focus classroom teaching. Also includes Individual Pupil Profiles for every child.
Find out more by clicking here

Analyse School Performance
The DfE’s Analyse School Performance (ASP) service is used to judge your school. Our ASaP Reports provide clear performance statements of the main data plus a full analysis of all your many cohort groups – all returned direct to your Inbox within days. We also offer a free update with validated data later in the year.
Find out more by clicking here

Primary Data Packages
Our Data Packages provide a forensic deep dive into your end-of-year data. All reports are delivered straight to your inbox. Each package contains Forensic Data Packs – praised for being “accessible by all”, ASaP Reports – detailed insight into your ASP Summary and and an IDACI statement giving a clear profile of the factors affecting your pupils against the wider context.
Find out more by clicking here
More on our Website
Here at DAISI Education, we are passionate about supporting schools with our forensic analysis. Every penny we create is put straight back into education. Have a look on how we can help your school…

Our FREE School Data Guides give you information about all stages of Assessment.

Our online training is FREE and cover a wide range of topics from Ofsted inspections to school data in every key stage.

Our Latest blogs look at progress, QLA and so much more…

We present a wide range of fun, educational and engaging resources for schools, pupils and families.

Contact Us
Phone: 0115 87 64020 | Email: [email protected]
We aim to provide our customers with the highest levels of communication and services and welcome your feedback and suggestions.