Detailed Analysis to aid your SATs Journey

Pinpoint where pupil’s learning is secure….

Full Analysis of all your cohort groups and more

Individual Pupil Profiles created for every child

Forensic Insight to help make a real difference

How does it work?  |  Benefits  |  Feedback  |  OffersOneHourMaths

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What do we offer?

Our Mock SATs QLA Reports bring you full insight into every topic, question type and more – all broken down with graphs and statements to aid future intervention and focus classroom teaching. Order as a full Mock (every paper) or as individual subjects.

Detailed insight across all three subject areas..

  • Maths
  • Reading
  • Grammar Punctuation and Spelling

Past Papers: 2016-19, 2022-24

“Really useful. Helped with the bigger picture allowing me to really home in on specific groups, groups within groups and the specific areas which we need to address.”

Headteacher, Stoke Bishop CE Primary School, Bristol
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How does it work?

We need you to provide the data for us to analyse. So firstly, you would need to undertake your chosen SATs or assessment and enter the results into our spreadsheet..

You would need to enter names, UPNS and the individual marks with:

  • 0 = Question attempted, no marks.
  • 1 = Question attempted, 1 mark.
  • 2 or 3 = Question attempted, 2-3 marks.
  • N = Question Not Attempted.

You will receive full instructions and a link to our spreadsheet with your order acknowledgement. 

Your reports will be produced within 3 working days from provision of data.

Benefits for You

  • Time saved – A Full deep dive by an analyst within 3 working days.
  • Immediately see the areas that are secure and the gaps to focus on.
  • Forensic Analysis on every Question and Topic allowing you to focus teaching on areas of need.
  • Detailed Cohort Insight to enable you to see specific groups.
  • Individual Pupil Profiles and Summary Report for all full Mock orders
  • Single page views with clear graphs and charts, simple tables, colour coding and benchmarking
  • Arrives ready to share with Assessment Co-ordinators and Governors.
  • Evidence based discussion for implications for the current academic year and planning forward.
  • Share reports with other schools; identify common trends/needs, commission CPD support.
  • Additional overarching Multi Academy Trust Strategic Report available.
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What have schools said?

“Enormous thanks for the QLAs. I’m really pleased with them. My Y6 teachers can now focus their teaching on specific areas during the spring and early summer to give the children the best possible chance of achieving their potential in the SATs.”

Headteacher, Grangehurst Primary School, Coventry

“Thank you for the QLA Reports – You have just saved me 15 fifteen hours of work”.

Headteacher, Cantrell Primary School, Nottingham

“In regards to the QLA as we have such a large cohort – it is good to look for areas/types of questions where children have struggled and we need to focus on further in the future. The QLA for each individual child is useful when looking at specific children within groups SEN, FSM, PP looking particularly at their individual progress in each subject.”

Headteacher, Fernwood Primary School, Nottingham

“Thankyou! We have found the DAISI reports very useful – not only for identifying weakness in particular groups in the cohort – but to think about changes we might need to make to Year 6 this year.”

Headteacher – Kirkburton Middle School, Huddersfield (The Mast Academy Trust)

Money-Saving Offers for Mock SATs QLA

Order as a Trust and receive a free overview report covering all your academies.