On 13 December 2018 the DfE released the results per school for the KS2 SATs and Teacher Assessments.
Would you like to know where your school is in relation to other schools?
We have created an analysis for the main measures, showing the percentile ranking for these measures:
- A “1” indicates that your school is in the top 1% of all schools in England (excluding special schools).
- A “100” indicates that your schools is in the bottom 1%.

This analysis enables you to:
- Locate your school percentile.
- Find out how close you were to the top and bottom 10% or 20%.
- Give you additional evidence to help set your targets for the forthcoming year.
Why should I be interested in my school’s ranking?
Ofsted’s Inspection Data Summary report is the document which Ofsted inspectors will read before coming to your school. It highlights:
- The top 10% and the bottom 10% for any particular year. This is indicated by the percentiles 1 to 10, and 91 to 100.
- The top 20% and the bottom 20% for a trend (2 or 3 years). This is indicated by the percentiles 1 to 20, and 81 to 100.
For more information, please look at
- our article about how Ofsted uses these percentiles rankings in the IDSR, and
- our article about how Ofsted uses these percentile rankings in its Ofsted Inspection, as noted in its Inspection Reports.
Key Stage 2 Measures – Percentile Ranks
To see where your school is in relation to other schools, please click on the relevant measure:
- Reading, Writing and Maths combined – Expected Standard
- Reading, Writing and Maths combined – High Standard
- Reading SATs exam – Expected Standard
- GPS/SPaG SATs exam – Expected Standard
- Maths SATs exam – Expected Standard
- Writing Teacher Assessment – Expected Standard or above
- Science Teacher Assessment – Expected Standard
- Reading Progress
- Writing Progress
- Maths Progress
Where can I find out more?
Page 4 of your IDSR shows your school quintile rankings for progress for
- All Pupils,
- Low Prior Attaining Pupils,
- Middle Prior Attaining Pupils,
- High Prior Attaining Pupils, and
- Disadvantaged Pupils.
More information about your school’s rankings can be found in our ASaP report, which aims to make ASP (Analyse School Performance) easy.

In addition to the above, our report includes rankings for:
- Boys,
- Girls,
- Low, Middle and High Prior Attainment,
- Disadvantaged,
- EAL, and
- non-mobile
for the following measures:
- Reading, Writing and Maths combined,
- Reading progress,
- Maths progress,
- Writing progress,
- Average scaled score in Reading,
- Average scaled score in Maths.
Additionally, we also provide rankings for:
- Prior Attainment (Low, Middle and High),
- Disadvantaged pupils, and
- Non-disadvantaged pupils
for the following subjects:
- Reading,
- Maths,
- Writing and

For more information about our ASaP report, please click here.