Nottingham City Council’s DAISI service offers a full year-round service helping schools understand and use their data to aid school improvement.
Our reporting also serves Local Authority officers and Education Improvement boards with the intelligence needed to inform strategic dialogue and direction.
Working Together | Education Analytics | How NCC’s DAISI can help you.. | Luton Case Study
Working Together
Increasingly Local Authorities are turning to collaborative working to sustain and safeguard services.
The current situation in Local Government means there is a great importance towards partnership working to ensure long term sustainability. Collaborative solutions give a reduction in long term costs without compromising quality and are vital to the future sustainability of all local authority infrastructures.
.As local authorities we must use all of our creativity to continue to deliver high quality services.
Taking a collaborative approach between local authorities creates the most effective partnerships, helping to reduce running costs, whilst delivering a quality service for end users. The best partnerships help to innovate and deliver all services successfully, sustainably and cost effectively – for the long haul.
Change, efficiencies, innovation and collaboration are key components of being able to continue to make a difference with our services.
The best partnerships help to innovate and deliver all services successfully, sustainably and cost effectively – for the long haul.
Partnership brings:
- An uncomplicated solution with minimal risks to councils
- A simple integration of services.
- Seamless cross boundary working, cuts costs, reduces duplication of provision and provides a cohesive responsive and flexible service.
- Reduces unnecessary overheads and increases value for money
- Maintains core capacity within the LA sector
- SMART working shares specialist skills and harnesses automation technology
- Long term sustainable approach to transformation by sweating out the efficiencies
- Contributes towards accountability; flexibility; efficiency; cost effectiveness; service improvement; strategy and synergy; added value; risk minimisation.
- Delivers high quality services within a dynamic operational context
- User and client satisfaction
Working Together | Education Analytics | How NCC’s DAISI can help you.. | Luton Case Study
Education Analytics
We are actively seeking partner local authorities who are not only looking for a service transformation solution to sustain a long-term education data analysis service, but also maximising its potential as part of their traded services to schools and academies.
- Service delivered within budget
- Income generating
- No additional staffing
- No additional investment in technology
- Compensates for analytical skill gaps or capacity
- Full suite of education performance reports with ready-made analysis
- LA aggregated reporting and analytical tools
- Briefing papers on key statistical first releases
- Intelligence to inform and underpin local education improvement strategies and bids
- Ad hoc reporting on key developments
- Retain local control, relationship and communication with your schools and academies
- Define own traded services model
- Choice of partnership model – we could work alongside or as a addition to what you already offer.
GDPR compliant, the authorised sharing of data, automated reporting and visualisations plus secure document transfer makes service delivery quick, timely and efficient.
Working Together | Education Analytics | How NCC’s DAISI can help you.. | Luton Case Study
DAISI Education
DAISI is a successful self-funding service.
Since commencing trading our expertise and services have generated over £700,000 profit into Nottingham City Council. Our LA partnership model has already enabled other local authorities to generate income and deliver an efficient high quality service.
Our flexible reporting ranges from the forensic detail to LA level intelligence, graphical to written analysis, personalised to anonymised in both ready to use and fully editable formats.
- Individual Primary School Performance Analysis – Forensic Data Packs of all key stages
- Forensic Question Level Analysis: KS2 SATs for Year 6 & Year 7 Transition.
- LA level reporting – all schools and academies.
- Management information for LA Ofsted inspections.
- Strategic overviews and insight for area-wide improvement.
- Analytical narrative, not just data.
Luton Council has worked in partnership with Nottingham City Council’s DAISI service since 2016. We provide comprehensive performance reports for all of their schools including EYFS, Key Stage 1, and Key Stage 2. In addition to the school level reports, Luton also receive Local Authority level reports and bespoke reports based upon Statistical First Release data. Click here for our case study
To discuss partnership working, please contact:
Mark Attwood
Business Development Officer – DAISI Education
Phone: 0115 87 64655 or Email: [email protected]