Your School’s ASP Summary analysed for you
Time Saving Forensic Analysis
- Personalised Insight showing Absence, Phonics, KS1, KS2 Attainment and Progress
- Cohort Analysis including Boy and Girls separately, FSM, LAC, EAL, SEND and more…
PRIMARY | Summary | Cohorts | What have Schools Said? | PDF | Order Now

Primary ASaP
Your ASP summary analysed for you
We provide clear performance statements of the main data and what it means to your school plus full analysis of your cohort groups. We will also update your reports with the validated data later in the year.
- Time saving Forensic Analysis
- Single page views
- Clear graphs and charts
- Detailed performance statements.
- Forensic analysis of different cohort groups
- Arrives ready to share with Governors and other key stakeholders
ASaP has been created to help you save time and use your data well.
You can easily:
- Incorporate key messages into the data section of your SEF
- Use key analysis in your school development plan
- Work with key staff to ensure evidence-based decisions are taking place around curriculum planning
- Use to present your data in a simple way to Governors and school improvement partners to help them support you better.

ASaP: Your ASP analysed
Detailed Summary and Full Cohort Analysis
Includes a FREE update when the validated data is released
Reports produced within 4 working days of receipt of your data.

Sign up to DAISI Premium and save
ASaP Summary
ASaP Summary is packed with ASP charts plus our ready made performance statements covering the basic characteristics of your school:

- Absence
- Phonics
- KS2 Attainment and progress
It reports:
- By subject and pupil groups
- Percentage of pupils
- By Attaining each outcome
- Prior attainment
- Closing the gap
Click here for more detail (incl. example pages)

Sign up to DAISI Premium and pre order your Analysis for £209 (Usually £249)
ASaP Appendix
The Appendix presents your data by cohort type – a feature not available in ASP.

We present a 3-page analysis for up to 42 different cohort types, including:
- Boy and Girls separately
- Free School meals
- Looked after children
- Disadvantaged
- English as an additional language
- and each of your pupils’ ethnicities.
This cohort analysis saves you valuable time and is not available in the ASP.
Click here for more detail (incl. example pages)

Sign up to DAISI Premium and pre order your Analysis for £209 (Usually £249)

What have Schools said..
“Really analytical review of ASP – Exactly what I needed”
Stephen Down, Head Teacher, Bushmead School, Cambridgeshire
“Many thanks again and can I say what fantastic reports I think these are and so helpful.”
Susan Ilett-Coupe, Head Teacher, Kneesall CofE Primary School, Nottinghamshire
“Using the ASaP analysis with both staff and governors is so much more effective with the DAISI reports. The visual presentation makes it accessible to all, staff quickly assimilate the information they need to support their subject and school development plans. Whilst governors have the overview and detail they require to enable them to ask relevant, pertinent and searching questions with confidence and understanding.”
Karen O’Donnell, Head Teacher, Athelstan Community Primary School
“Much appreciated. will save huge amounts of time and support Governor and SLT knowledge. So glad I purchased it!”
Jo Keely, Headteacher, Westglade Primary School

Ordering is Easy
Full ASaP (Unvalidated and Validated Data): £149
Junior/Middle: £125 | Infant/Lower: £99
Package includes a FREE update when the validated data is released
Sign up to DAISI Premium and save
Once your order is placed, we will ask you to download data from your school’s ASP online account and send it to us. It should take about 5-10 minutes. Instruction are provided.
We aim to produce ASaP reports within 4 working days of receipt of your data.

Money-Saving Offers for the ASaP – Primary

Sign up to DAISI Premium to get the Premium Price of £125.

Check out our Early Bird Codes: Money off by ordering early!