How QLA helped my school improve its results”

A Case Study


They save me days of work and the information this gives me allows us to develop whole school targets that we can show improve the attainment of our pupils.

Seely Primary and Nursery School ordered our QLA Results and used it to look at trends across KS2 and then further down the school. By utilising the analysis given, they saw a rise in their results across each of the different subjects in the KS2 SATs and this was also reflected in their next Ofsted Inspection.

We find the Question Level Analysis from DAISI invaluable at Seely Primary and Nursery School. .

We struggled historically with reading results at the end of KS2 and have used DAISI QLA to drill down into the reasons why reading was significantly lower than maths.

Using QLA we found that the issues were EAL pupils struggling with vocabulary -we introduced word of the week, then realising we needed more, word of the day. We also put on additional pre teaching sessions with an EAL teacher.

We also identified that inference was a massive problem and we made it our whole school target, had loads of CPD and this made a massive difference.

In 2016, our reading EXP was 54%. In 2017, it was 68% and in 2018, it was 79%. All down to QLA.


We also identified that girls were impacting on our combined result by passing all their English subjects but not maths.

A quick look at our QLA found that our girls weren’t great at arithmetic so lunchtime arithmetic sessions were introduced and there is no longer a boy/girl gap in maths.

Deputy Headteacher


Seely Primary and Nursery School  was graded “Requires Improvement” in December 2016.

This article was written in March 2019.

In May 2019, the school was inspected again with grade rising to a “Good”.

Good-quality teaching and the effective use of assessment have led to a trend of improvement in pupils’ attainment in reading, writing and mathematics and a range of other subjects. Standards in writing remain below those in reading and mathematics.

All groups of pupils make good progress from their varied starting points. The curriculum is suitably modified to meet the learning needs of the most able pupils, and also of those who find learning more difficult. Disadvantaged pupils achieve well. Those who speak English as an additional language soon grow in confidence in their spoken and written English.

Not only do pupils achieve well in English and mathematics, but also achieve well in a wide range of other subjects. Pupils do particularly well in art and design, music, physical education and games (PE) and in Spanish.

Ofsted Report May 2019

When asked about the role of DAISI Question Level Analysis, the deputy replied..

In my role as deputy headteacher of a big school as well as assessment coordinator, there is no way I would have the time or capacity to complete QLA to the level and in the detail that the DAISI team do.

They save me days of work and the information this gives me allows us to develop whole school targets that we can show improve the attainment of our pupils..

KS2 SATs Question Level Analysis | Secondary Question Level Analysis

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