DAISI Education Annual Data Package

Your Full Primary Data Journey in one order

Detailed Analysis – direct to your inbox

Data Packs, Narratives, Scorecards, KS2 SATs, ASP

Forensic Detail by Cohort, Pupil and more..

Price based on number of pupils in your school

  Benefits   |   Calendar  |   Value for Money  |  Summer Only  |   Online Brochure

Our Annual Data Package includes…

Full suite of Key Stage Reports – Early Years, Phonics, KS1, KS2

covering attainment, absence, average point score, progress, scaled scores, subject combinations, comparisons, benchmarking against local and national averages, pupil characteristics and more..

Readymade narrative reports for KS1 and KS2

Our narrative reports are a written summary of your school data created especially for inclusion in your SEF or reports to governors. Produced in Word format and released at the end of the school year.

Primary Scorecard for KS1 and KS2

Clear simple five-page summary that gives a clear indication of how your school has performed against national figures. Great for Governors and Key Staff.

KS2 SATs Results – Question Level Analysis

3 powerful question level analysis subject reports for Maths, Reading and Grammar Punctuation and Spelling, plus a 26-page summary report.

Analyse School Performance

ASaP is your School’s ASP School Performance Summary analysed for you. We present clear performance statements (perfect for inclusion in your SEF) plus detailed analysis of all your many cohort groups.

Personalised IDACI statements

The Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index, provided by the Department for Communities and Local Government, gives a clear profile of the factors affecting the pupils at your school/academy set against the wider context.

Mathematics Baseline for KS2 SATs (Maths 3-5)

Our Mathematics Baseline assessment (looking only at the Y3-5 curriculum) is designed for you to use at the end of Year 5 or start of Year 6 to help identify key gaps and prioritise actions for the future.

Also Available at a reduced rate

Our Mock SATs QLA are available at a reduced price if you sign up to the full Package.

QLA Mock SATs (Full and detailed analysis of a full mock SATs)

Using past papers, we bring you full insight into every cohort – all broken down with graphs and statements to aid future intervention and focus classroom teaching. Click here for more information

QLA Concise (SATs but Shorter!)

Our Concise QLA papers give schools the choice to run shorter (hour-long) SATs based tests but still brings that essential detailed analysis that schools need as they cover the full KS2 Curriculum. Click here for more information

Benefits for you..

  • Up to date Reports sent to your inbox
  • One centre dealing with all enquiries
  • Full helpdesk service.
  • Single page views with clear graphs
  • Easy to Read Statements throughout
  • Benchmarking against national averages
  • Forensic analysis of different cohort groups
  • Tailor your school CPD for maximum impact knowing what your pupils need.
  • Reports arrive ready to share with Assessment Co-ordinators, Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, School Improvement Partners, Governors and Ofsted.
  • Allows and encourages Evidence-based discussion about what intervention strategies are needed.
  • School leaders can use them in talking with other schools; identify common trends/needs, commission CPD support and identify successful curricula interventions.
  • Overarching Multi Academy Trust/Federation Strategic Packs available..

We have been working Luton Council providing our Annual Data Packs for all their schools since 2016.

“From the outset, working with the DAISI team has been a positive experience. They are responsive to the needs of the authority and schools and have enabled us to develop the service to meet our needs. The expertise of colleagues in the DAISI team has been invaluable, providing suggestions, advice, guidance and updates. I am delighted that we have entered into this partnership which is mutually beneficial to both parties and invaluable in these times of limited resources.”

Carol Wylde, School Improvement Adviser, Luton Council

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All reports and statements are created throughout the year and sent directly to your inbox. We will need you to send in your data having inputted it into our spreadsheet. Once the data is received, we will be able to produce full analysis within days. All analysis sent by secure email direct back to your inbox.

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Value for Money

We firmly believe that the DAISI Education Annual Data Package gives true value for money as it remains the most cost effective and comprehensive way of using our service.

  • One full year of data analysis starts at only £1.99 per pupil.
  • A three-year cost is a better investment as it saves you money over that period.
  • Junior schools and infant school packages also available.
  • Discounts available for Multi-Academy Trusts and School Federations.

For transparency and consistency we calculate the price based on number on role in your school according to the Get Information about Schools website

Please note: we will need you to send in your data having inputted it into our spreadsheet. Once the data is received, we will be able to produce full analysis within days. All analysis sent by secure email direct to your inbox.