What can you find in a DAISI QLA?
Detailed Analysis by Topic | Question | Pupil | Cohort
But what do they contain? Let us break it down..

Whatever assessment you use, you have to start with taking an overall view (for example, how many pupils passed or nearly passed), but also at the important topic strands, seeing how the school is doing, and “producing clear next steps for pupils”.
This analysis gives you a clear starting point – focussing in on the headlines and points for you to focus on as the deeper analysis continues.
“Thank you ever so much for the QLA reports & the subsequent updates. The service we have received from yourselves & the attention to detail have been fantastic. We have found the reports to be incredibly useful & they are helping us to shape our school improvement priorities for the coming year.”
Headteacher, Holy Trinity CE Junior School, Ripon
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Topic by Topic

We divide up the questions into bespoke Topics – allowing teachers to create their bespoke lesson plans to address the learning gaps right at the start of the year.
This page shows the strengths and weaknesses for all pupils, boys and girls, and how it compares with the Entire Year and the National averages.
In this example, it shows that:
- girls did particularly well in “Ratio and proportion” and boys not so well, whilst
- boys did well in the first 4 topics, with girls not doing so well.
This analysis allows you to look at your cohort as a whole to see what teaching could be improved, and how your curriculum could be developed.
“I think they are a great tool and really help us to analyse our data in great detail. I have been telling everyone how good they are & how they have saved hours of work. This has allowed me to focus on how we can improve teaching and learning rather than spending time on the data analysis – a very welcome change.”
Headteacher, Captain Cook Primary School, Middlesbrough (James Cook Learning Trust)
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Question by Question

This has been designed to help Teachers see the types of questions that your pupils found difficult or easier than average.
You might find that, on analysis, there is one particular question – for example, 8827 divided by 97 – which is a particular problem to your pupils, including how to tackle this sort of approximation.
It might also show certain areas where your pupils are doing better than the National averages, perhaps in areas which could be extended for your most able pupils, or perhaps allowing time to be diverted onto other topics.
This analysis can be used to improve your curriculum for the benefit of all pupils.
“These reports are so thorough and useful. Subject leaders and Raising Standards Leaders in each primary school are going to be able to use this information to inform teaching and learning opportunities , not just in Year 6, but across the school. Some of the graphs used were new to me – it’s always good to be challenged by information presented in a different way!“
Headteacher, Ravensthorpe Primary School (Peterborough Keys Trust)
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Pupil by Pupil

Our Individual pupil profiles enable you to look at individual pupils and see how they performed. For example, Jane might be doing 12% better than the National Average for Punctuation, but is doing 13% below for Grammatical terms and word classes. With that knowledge, you might want to investigate why that is the case.
Very simply and clearly, you can see each pupil’s strengths and challenges and be able to work with them to change this.
This analysis is perfect for tutors and individual teaching assistants as they focus on the areas to aid catch-up and recovery from the time away from formal education.
“In regards to the QLA as we have such a large cohort – it is good to look for areas/types of questions where children have struggled and we need to focus on further in the future. The QLA for each individual child is useful when looking at specific children within groups SEN, FSM, PP looking particularly at their individual progress in each subject.”
Headteacher, Fernwood Primary School, Nottingham
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Cohort by Cohort

For a full analysis of your results, you will need to look more than at your school overall or the overall score per pupil.
We break the results down in your various cohorts – gender, disadvantaged, SEN, EAL and prior attainment.
For example, maybe when you look at your girls, you find that fractions are currently a problem, as evidenced by the results of certain questions compared with the National Average, and compared with your boys’ answers to the same question.
This analysis allows you to focus in on the different cohorts within your chosen year group and work with them on the areas in need.
“We struggled historically with reading results at the end of KS2 and have used DAISI QLA to drill down into the reasons why reading was significantly lower than maths. Using QLA we found that the issues were EAL pupils struggling with vocabulary -we introduced word of the week, then realising we needed more, word of the day. We also put on additional pre teaching sessions with an EAL teacher. We also identified that inference was a massive problem and we made it our whole school target, had loads of CPD and this made a massive difference.
In 2016, our reading EXP was 54%. In 2017, it was 68% and in 2018, it was 79%. All down to QLA.“
Deputy Headteacher, Seely Primary & Nursery School, Nottingham
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DAISI reports are so thorough and useful. We have used them for many years. I am a massive fan of QLA and find it invaluable in my school.
Thank you for your comment – Rosemary. We totally agree.
Really useful guide to Question Level Analysis
Thank you
I find QLA really useful. It has helped with the bigger picture allowing me to really home in on specific groups, groups within groups and the specific areas which we need to address within our school
Thank you Natalie for taking the time to comment. We agree – QLA can really help with deep diving into your data and helping to find those marginal gains every school can find. https://daisi.education/marginalgains/
I like the pupil profiles – these could be really informative
Thanks Dawid – we agree. Many schools have got back in touch commenting on how helpful they are..
We have found the QLA to be incredibly useful in helping us to shape school improvement priorities. Would recommend..
Thank you James. Really glad you found them useful.