Ofsted Inspections – Good Schools – Disadvantaged Pupils

This series of articles is about Ofsted inspectors' comments about "good" schools. This article looks at the role of disadvantaged pupils. Disadvantaged Pupils Disadvantaged pupils are defined as: Pupils who have been eligible for Free Schools Meals (FSM) at any point over the last 6 years, Pupils who have been looked after continuously for at least one day in the last year, and Pupils who have left care through a formal route such as adoption. In its School Inspection Handbook, Ofsted states that: Inspectors will take particular account of the progress made by disadvantaged pupils from their starting points...compared with that made nationally by other pupils with similar starting points. ... For current pupils, inspectors will consider the impact of what a school is doing to reduce any differences in progress and attainment between disadvantaged and other pupils with the same starting points. ... Inspectors should talk to leaders about the quality of teaching, behaviour and the design and delivery of the curriculum to examine why there may be...
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