Home Learning

Home Learning

Home Learning from DAISI Education “Such an Inspiring collection of Links & Resources” We present a wide range of fun, educational and engaging resources schools can share with pupils and families. This long list of links and resources was put together over the summer of 2020 and has continued to grow ever since. Many thanks to those from around the world who have suggested ideas and links. We hope you continue to find them useful! Learning Resources Check out these links for Primary and Secondary age. Early Years Activities for 2-5 year olds - stories, craft and more Tour the World and Beyond See the world from space and live elephants in Africa... Craft Activities 100s of ideas from a variety of sources.. Free Colouring Sheets Here are over 100 patterns and pictures to choose from.. Museums and Galleries Visit the Louvre, British Museum and more... Fun Activities at home.. 100s of Ideas and Links "What a huge help for families!" Science Experiments Create giant bubbles, a rocket that blasts off and more.. Baking Activities Loads of...
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Ofsted inspections – Outstanding schools – Early years provision

In this series of articles, we are looking at Ofsted inspector's comments regarding Outstanding schools. In this article, we will be looking at their comments in relation to Early Years Provision. Early Years Provision Ofsted comments about the dedication of the staff: Leaders, teachers and teaching assistants in the early years are extremely dedicated to ensuring that children get the best start.Leadership is highly effective, with a strong emphasis on providing care and nurture as well as challenge and ambition.The high quality of phonics teaching contributes to this success. and their ambition for the children: They plan activities which consistently provide the right level of difficulty for all ability groups.Leaders have ensured that the early years curriculum is interesting, engaging, broad and balanced. Children develop curiosity and want to find out more. Most activities have a clear purpose behind them and build upon what the children have previously learned to do. Two schools which were judged "Outstanding" overall were only "Good" for Early Years: However,...
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Primary IDSR – EYFSP ELGs and Phonics Analysis

In this series of articles, we'll be looking at Ofsted's Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR). In the previous article, we had a look at EYFSP Good Level of Development (GLD). In this article, we'll have a look at the remainder of the EYFSP analyses, and a look at the Phonics analysis. Early Years Foundation Stage Profile - ELGs Following the EYFSP GLD  analysis, the IDSR continues with the analysis of Reading ELG, Writing ELG and Mathematics ELGs. Just as in the EYFSP Good Level of Development analysis: The light blue bars represent the school's performance,The dark blue bars represent the school's performance for FSM pupils,The red lines represent the National Average for all pupils,The green lines represent the National Average for non-FSM pupils. For answers to the questions as to why your FSM pupils' performance is compared with the National non-FSM performance, and what represents a small cohort, please see the early EYFSP analysis. However, it is made more complicated by the fact that the assessment...
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Primary IDSR – EYFSP

This series of articles will be looking at Ofsted's Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR). This article concentrates on the first of the EYFSP analyses, which is at the back of your IDSR report. EYFSP (Early Years Foundation Stage Profile) Good Level of Development (GLD) and ELGs (Early Learning Goals) There are four different analyses in the EYFSP pages. The article relates to the percentage of pupils achieving a Good Level of Development (GLD). This is one of main measures in EYFSP. What is a GLD? There are 17 Early Learning Goals (ELGs), and a pupil will obtain a GLD if they get Expected or Exceeding in the first 12, namely: Communication and Language (Listening and attention, Understanding, and Speaking),Physical Development (Moving and handling, and Health and self-care),Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Self-confidence and self-awareness, Managing feelings and behaviour, and Making relationships),Literacy (Reading, and Writing), andMathematics (Numbers, and Shape, space and measures). If a pupil got a single "Emerging" in one of these 12 ELGs, then the...
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