Ofsted Inspections – Good Schools – Key Stage 1

This series of articles looks at the Ofsted inspectors' comments on 80 "good" schools. This article looks at their comments for Key Stage 1. A lot of inspectors comments focus on Phonics, particularly in Year 1. Please see our article on Phonics for a further analysis of these comments. The Expected Standard Unlike previous years, where inspectors could look at specific progress from Early Years for Emerging, Expected and Exceeding pupils, inspectors only have quantified data for all pupils and disadvantaged pupils. For most of these schools, the school was at or above the National Average: The proportions of pupils reaching the expected and greater-depth standards are broadly in line with national averages. Standards at the end of key stage 1 in reading, writing and mathematics are above the national averages. Pupils attained above the national average at the expected standard in 2018 at key stage 1 ... in national tests. When standards were below the National Average, inspectors highlight it, together with any...
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How does the DfE and Ofsted measure Progress at Key Stage 1?

Why should KS1 progress be measured at all? Paragraphs 185 and 187 of Ofsted's School Inspection Handbook, which is the manual for Ofsted inspectors, include the following: 185. Inspectors will take account of current standards and progress, including the school’s own performance information, and make a relevant judgement on academic and other learning outcomes for pupils by evaluating the extent to which all pupils:•progress well from their different starting points and achieve or exceed standards expected for their age nationally (at the end of a key stage), or within the school’s own curriculum...187. In judging achievement, inspectors will give most weight to pupils’ progress. They will take account of pupils’ starting points in terms of their prior attainment and age when evaluating progress. Within this, they will give most weight to the progress of pupils currently in the school, taking account of how this compares with the progress of recent cohorts, where there are any. Inspectors will consider the progress of...
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Primary IDSR – Key Stage 1 and 2 Diff No column

This series of articles will be looking at Ofsted's Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR). In the previous article, we had a look at the Key Stage 1 and 2 attainment analysis in Ofsted's Inspection Data Summary Report. However, there was one column that we didn't look at: the "Diff no" column. In this article, we'll see what it is so important, using a Key Stage 1 example, and how it is used in conjunction with your Key Stage 1 Emerging, Expected and Exceeding cohorts. Key Stage 1 and 2 - "Diff no" column The remaining column is the "Diff no" column. Taking the top line, we have the School's figures of 88%, a National figure of 76%, and a "Diff no" of 6 – but 88 less 76 is not equal to 6. So, what is that Diff no column? It's clearly not a percentage difference. It is the difference in number of pupils – this school is 6 pupils above the National average. But...
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Primary IDSR – Key Stage 1 and 2 Attainment Charts

This series of articles is about Ofsted's Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR). The previous article was about Early Years Reading, Writing and Maths Analysis and Phonics. This article is about the attainment charts contained in Key Stages 1 and 2, using Key Stage 1 as an example. Key Stage 1 charts The Key Stage 1 charts are for Reading, Writing and Maths. Your school's results are still the bars, but this time they are going across instead of down. For all cohorts there are: the lighter blue bars, which is the Expected Standard or above, andthe darker blue bars, which is the Greater Depth standard. Your pupils are divided into five different cohorts: All pupils are being compared with the National All Pupils average – 76% (Expected Standard or above) and 25% (Greater Depth standard). Emerging, Expected and Exceeding cohorts For Key Stage 1, it also includes the following: Emerging - pupils who got the Emerging assessment in the Early Years for reading;Expected - pupils who got the...
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