What do Ofsted inspections look like?
With the launch of the new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework and School Inspection Handbook, what will inspections under the new framework be actually like?
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Ofsted Inspections
There will be main parts of the inspection regime:
Deep dives
Bringing it together
Most inspections will generally be two days (apart from smaller schools), but preparation will start the day before.
Next Steps
Ofsted will phone the school by 2pm on the day before the inspection, to let the school know who is coming, confirm things such as number of pupils on roll. They will also send emails requests that certain information (attendance analysis, exclusions, bad behaviour records) is available to inspectors by 8 a.m. the next day (inspectors will not arrive on school before this time).
There will then be a more substantive call with the headteacher (or other school leaders if not available). This will focus on three aspects:
The school's context, and progress since the previous inspection
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