DAISI Transition Pack
QLA Transition gives you full and detailed analysis of your pupils allowing you to work with them immediately.
We give you full insight into your whole cohort before breaking it down further into your bespoke class lists – allowing your teachers to set work based on their performance in the SATs. We also create subject-specific individual pupil profiles for every child.
Full Overview | Class Insight | Pupil Profiles | Download Brochure
Why use the KS2 SATs?
The KS2 SATs give a validated indication of each of your students strengths and weaknesses and the results are available every year – broken down to performance in each individual question. These are standardised assessments – marked independently – and provide the basis for the Progress 8 score in years to come. By using this data, you remove the need for a baseline test and provide a clear footing for the future.
Our analysis takes this information and re-creates it into summary reports, pupil profiles and more. It has created over time in collaboration with teachers, ASTs and a former Maths Hub Lead, and been designed with Ofsted, Departmental Heads and Class Teachers in mind.

Full Overview for HoD and HoY
Whatever assessment you use, you have to start with taking an overall view (for example, how many pupils passed or nearly passed), but also at the important topic strands, seeing how the school is doing, and “producing clear next steps for pupils”.
QLA Transition allows you to see a full overview of your pupil’s results in English and Maths allowing you to focus in as a department on specific areas for intervention. This analysis gives you a clear starting point – focussing in on the headlines and points for you to focus on as the deeper analysis continues.

This page shows the strengths and weaknesses for the full school cohort across all three papers in bespoke topics and how they compares with the National averages.
Click on the image to make it bigger
Does this Deep focus make a difference? The quote below is from an ofsted report for an Outstanding School who used analysis of their KS2 SATs to drive their pupil premium funding. By starting on intervention early, the results can be achieved quickly.
Leaders have a very clear understanding of the barriers to learning that are faced by … those who are eligible for the Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium. … Literacy and numeracy support in Year 7 is particularly effective; by the end of the year, the vast majority of identified pupils catch up to where they should be.
DAISI Transition Pack gives Full Overview | Class Insight | Pupil Profiles
Download our Transition Brochure here | Order your Analysis Now

Detailed Insight for your class teachers
QLA Transition allows you to give your teachers the full picture of the classes before them with bespoke analysis about the class strengths and weaknesses enabling for early intervention to take place across every set.
We offer Analysis by Topic, Question and all your various Cohorts
This analysis comes as part of the overview package but can also be arranged into your bespoke class teaching groups. Once your order is placed, you will receive an email explaining how to send in the data required.

We divide up the questions into bespoke Topics – allowing teachers to create their bespoke lesson plans to address the learning gaps right at the start of the year. This analysis allows you to look at your class as a whole to see what teaching could be improved, and how your curriculum could be developed. This analysis can be used to improve your curriculum for the benefit of all pupils.

This page shows the strengths and weaknesses for all pupils, boys and girls, and how it compares with the Entire Year and the National averages.
In this example, it shows that girls did particularly well in “Ratio and proportion” whilst boys did well in the first 4 topics.
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This has been designed to help Teachers see the types of questions that your pupils found difficult or easier than average. It might also show certain areas where your pupils are doing better than the National averages, perhaps in areas which could be extended for your most able pupils, or perhaps allowing time to be diverted onto other topics.

This page is from English Analysis Pack.
It shows the top 10 questions which are most above or below the National average. It compares your class results against the entire Year 7, and against National.
Click on the image to make it bigger

For a full analysis of your results, you will need to look more than at your school overall or the overall score per pupil. We break the results down in your various cohorts – gender, disadvantaged, SEN, EAL and prior attainment. This analysis allows you to focus in on the different cohorts within your chosen year group and work with them on the areas in need.

This page is from Mathematics Analysis Pack. It shows the topic strengths and weaknesses of the female pupils within the class group only.
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DAISI Transition Pack gives Full Overview | Class Insight | Pupil Profiles
Download our Transition Brochure here | Order your Analysis Now

Individual Pupil Profiles
QLA Transition allows you to see a how each individual pupil performed in National Tests. Very simply and clearly, you can see each pupil’s strengths and challenges and be able to work with them to change this.
This analysis is perfect for tutors and individual teaching assistants as they focus on the areas to aid catch-up and recovery from the time away from formal education.

This is an example of our Mathematics Pupil Profile.
Of the major topics (the ones with the most marks available in the SATs, highlighted in purple), Christopher was 16% above the National average in Measurement, but below in “Number and place value” and “Ratio and proportion”.
Click on the image to make it bigger
But can we prove that this approach works? This quote is taken from an ofsted report for a “outstanding” school who used KS2 SATS Question Level Analysis to deep dive into their new cohort.
A recent innovation has been the development of pupil profiles for Year 7 pupils. With the express purpose of ensuring that every single pupil is ‘caught up’ in the excitement of learning, these profiles give teachers ideas of how to spark the interests of even the most reluctant learner.
All teachers know they have a responsibility for improving the low literacy and numeracy standards that pupils tend to have when they start in this school. Teachers collaborate about how best they can, within their subject, help pupils improve their basic skills. This has a significantly positive impact on pupils’ progress in those areas.
QLA Transition gives Full Overview | Class Insight | Pupil Profiles
Download our Transition Brochure here | Order your Analysis Now
Order your Analysis now

QLA Transition – £369
Maths only £199
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We aim to return your analysis within days of receipt of data.

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