Ofsted Inspections – Good Schools – Pupils’ work

This series of articles analyses Ofsted inspectors' comments in their judgements about "good" schools. This article looks at the role of examining pupils' books. The new Ofsted Inspection framework In the School Inspection update of January 2019, Ofsted said that, under the new Ofsted framework, 53. ...In doing so, inspectors will not review a school’s internal performance data for current pupils. 61. Inspectors will not consider schools’ internal performance data for current pupils during an inspection. ... This is because: internal data for current pupils has its limitations for us...inspectors will have meaningful discussions with leaders about how they know that the curriculum is having an impactinspectors will gather first-hand evidence of the quality of education in schools. The first-hand evidence sources including: 54. ...Inspectors will listen to pupils read and look at examples of pupils’ work for evidence of progression in knowledge, understanding and skills towards defined endpoints So what does pupils' works show under the current framework? Works in books Under the current...
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Ofsted Inspections – Good Schools – Phonics

In this series of articles, we are looking at Ofsted inspectors' comments regarding 80 "good" schools. This article examines the importance of phonics. Phonics Under the new Ofsted framework, Amanda Spielman has stated that there will be a focus on early reading and the teaching of phonics in primary schools. However, this doesn't mean that it isn't already a focus. Year 1 compared to the National Average Ofsted inspectors found that, generally in these "good" schools, the attainment of phonics was at or above the National Average - in 6 of these 80 schools, it was "well above" average: In 2018, the proportion of pupils in Year 1 achieving the expected standard in the phonics screening check increased considerably, and is now well above average.The proportion of pupils who achieve the expected standard in the Year 1 phonics screening check is above the national average, and has been for the past three years. When this hasn't happened, inspectors want to know that the school is...
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Ofsted Inspections – Good Schools – Disadvantaged Pupils

This series of articles is about Ofsted inspectors' comments about "good" schools. This article looks at the role of disadvantaged pupils. Disadvantaged Pupils Disadvantaged pupils are defined as: Pupils who have been eligible for Free Schools Meals (FSM) at any point over the last 6 years, Pupils who have been looked after continuously for at least one day in the last year, and Pupils who have left care through a formal route such as adoption. In its School Inspection Handbook, Ofsted states that: Inspectors will take particular account of the progress made by disadvantaged pupils from their starting points...compared with that made nationally by other pupils with similar starting points. ... For current pupils, inspectors will consider the impact of what a school is doing to reduce any differences in progress and attainment between disadvantaged and other pupils with the same starting points. ... Inspectors should talk to leaders about the quality of teaching, behaviour and the design and delivery of the curriculum to examine why there may be...
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Ofsted inspections – Good schools – most able pupils

In this series of articles about "good" schools (according to Ofsted), we'll be looking at Ofsted inspectors' comments regarding high prior attaining pupils. This article is about most able pupils. School Inspection Handbook Paragraph 195 of the most recent Ofsted School Inspection Handbook (September 2018) includes: Inspectors will pay particular attention to whether the most able pupils are making progress towards attaining the highest standards and achieving as well as they should across the curriculum. They will also consider whether the most able pupils are receiving the support they need to reach their full potential. However, as we have previously seen (Greater Depth/High Score Standards), Ofsted's comments regarding the higher standard inclined towards schools being below the National Average. So what do the same inspectors say about the most able pupils. Achieving results Away from the attainment statistics, Ofsted inspectors are more appreciative of the ability of high prior attainers and, when matched up with appropriate expectations, they achieving the results expected for them: The most...
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Ofsted Inspections – Good schools – Key Stage 2 Greater Depth/High Score standard

In this series of blog articles, we'll be looking at "good" schools, according to Ofsted. In this article, we'll examine how much weight the Higher Standard has in achieving a "good" rating. Key Stage 2 Greater Depth/High Score standard Perhaps surprising, there were more indications of "good" schools not reaching the national averages than doing so. Generally, the percentage of pupils reaching the higher standard is around the National Average: ...with good proportions of pupils reaching the higher standards. The proportion of pupils achieving the higher standard was broadly average for writing and mathematics, and above average for reading compared to national results. ...while the proportion reaching the higher standard was above that level. The proportions of pupils achieving and exceeding the expected standards have shown a rising trend in recent years, and exceed national averages. Ofsted can still give a school a "good" rating, even if attainment is below average. The proportions attaining the higher standard in reading and mathematics were below average....not...
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Ofsted Inspections – Good schools – Key Stage 2 Attainment

In this series of articles, we'll have a look at typical Ofsted comments for schools which have been judged "good" overall in 2018. In this article, we'll look at Ofsted's comments regarding the proportion of pupils reaching the expected standard at the end of Key Stage 2. Attainment at National averages Generally in good schools, Ofsted inspectors look for results which are broadly in line with the National Average, and they will use provisional (unvalidated) figures when released, especially if the figures were below in previous years: Progress in writing across key stage 2 has improved steadily since the last inspection and is now broadly average.Attainment in mathematics was close to the national average.Provisional information for the end of key stage 2 shows that the proportion of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading has risen substantially since 2016 and is now in line with that found nationally. Pupils’ attainment is generally in line with national averages.In 2018, provisional outcomes indicate that most...
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Ofsted Inspections – Role of Governors

In this article, we have a look at how Ofsted has commented on the role of a Governor within a school. What are they expecting to see? What is seen as good practice? What could be improved? We’ll be looking at comments regarding the end of Key Stage 2 Attainment from the 50 judgements released in October 2018. Although the framework has now changed – these comments still give clear indications of what inspectors are looking for. Governors Let's start with a positive.  Some Ofsted inspectors commented on how well governors know the school: Governors know the school well. They are highly skilled and contribute positively.Governors have a sound grasp of the school’s key strengths and weaknesses.The recent changes to the leadership of the school have meant that governors receive timely and transparent information. Governors are insightful, well informed and realistic. They know the school and the community that it serves well. They are ambitious for the school. They are well led and...
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Ofsted Inspections – RI – Key Stage 2 Attainment

In this article series, we'll be looking at some of the "Outcomes for pupils" in Ofsted Judgements, in order to see what Ofsted inspectors are concentrating on. Specifically, we'll look at those judgements which overall were requires improvement. In this article, we'll be looking at comments regarding the end of Key Stage 2 Attainment from the 50 judgements released in October 2018. Attainment - Expected Standard There was naturally a high emphasis on the percentage of pupils getting the Expected Standard in Key Stage 2. Some comments concentrated on reading, writing and maths combined: The proportion of pupils achieving the combined expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics at the end of Year 6 has improved but is still below the national average. and sometimes there was a comparison with previous year or years: Provisional results for 2018 show improvements ... but.continues to be below the national average.well below the national average for the last three years. However, there were far more comments (50) regarding for...
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