How well is your school using the additional funding for pupil premium and Year 7 Catch up?

Ofsted will be looking for how you are supporting your new Year 7.

The 2019 Ofsted Inspection Handbook says:

In evaluating progress in literacy and mathematics, inspectors will take into account the progress of those for whom the Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium provides support.

[In Outstanding schools,] Governors systematically challenge senior leaders so that the effective deployment of … Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium … secures excellent outcomes for pupils.

In Outstanding Schools..

The following quotes are taken from Ofsted Inspection Reports of Outstanding secondary and all-through schools in 2018/19:

Leaders use additional funding very effectively for disadvantaged pupils and those in Year 7 who need extra help to catch up with others. … Year 7 pupils who join the school with low starting points are provided with targeted support to improve their reading.

Pupils benefit from work that closely matches their abilities and aptitudes. Pupils who join the school with weak literacy and numeracy skills make progress because of leaders’ effective use of the Year 7 catch-up premium.

How quickly are you able to target support to your new Year 7? Can it start to be targeted from Day 1?

Leaders check pupils’ progress effectively by analysing pupils’ assessments thoroughly. … Teachers then take swift action to address any gaps in pupils’ learning, for example by re-teaching particular skills or topics, and provide master classes to stretch pupils further. As a result, pupils know their strengths and weaknesses, and how to build on them.

New Ofsted Inspection Framework

In the new Ofsted Inspection Framework, schools are warned about choosing more than two or three data collection points without having a clear reason.

What if you could have this data without you having to use one of these collection points? And what if you could have it for the new Year 7 overall, and for individual classes?

Our Analysis shows the SATs Questions most above and below the National Average. This is available for your entire Year 7 and per class. It also shows certain areas where your pupils are doing better than the National averages, perhaps in areas which could be extended for your most able pupils, or perhaps allowing time to be diverted onto other topics.

How quickly do you know your new Year 7’s strengths and challenges?

The additional funding for the pupil premium and Year 7 catch-up is used effectively. … Pupils in Year 7 who need to catch up make rapid gains in their literacy skills and good progress in their numeracy skills.

Leaders have a very clear understanding of the barriers to learning that are faced by … those who are eligible for the Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium. …  Literacy and numeracy support in Year 7 is particularly effective; by the end of the year, the vast majority of identified pupils catch up to where they should be.

Our analysis shows your Year 7’s strengths and challenges by topic strand in Reading, Maths and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. This analysis allows you to look at your class as a whole to see what teaching could be improved, and how your curriculum could be developed. This analysis can be used to improve your curriculum for the benefit of all pupils.

Responsibility of all Teachers

Outstanding schools commonly have great catch-up results for their current Year 7 – in part, because it is the responsibility of all teachers, not just those in the English and Maths departments:

All teachers know they have a responsibility for improving the low literacy and numeracy standards that pupils tend to have when they start in this school. Teachers collaborate about how best they can, within their subject, help pupils improve their basic skills. This has a significantly positive impact on pupils’ progress in those areas.

All departments contribute to strengthening pupils’ literacy and numeracy.

Do your History, Geography and Science teachers know of their pupils’ literacy and numeracy strengths and challenges? How can this be accomplished?

Teachers are not complacent. A recent innovation has been the development of pupil profiles for Year 7 pupils. With the express purpose of ensuring that every single pupil is ‘caught up’ in the excitement of learning, these profiles give teachers ideas of how to spark the interests of even the most reluctant learner.

Our Pupil Profiles allow you to look at each pupil individually.. Very simply and clearly, you can see each pupil’s strengths and challenges and be able to work with them to change this. This analysis is perfect for tutors and individual teaching assistants.

QLA Transition

QLA-Transition breaks down SATs results to give giving detailed insight into your new pupils’ Strengths and Weaknesses before they even set foot in school.

“Daisi Transition provides key topic evaluation to prioritise areas of focus in the catch up sessions enabling more targeted and focused intervention to take place.“ 

Deepings School, Peterborough (Anthem Schools Trust)

DAISI Year 7 Transition Pack – Click here for more details

DAISI Education

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