Never Stop Learning
In these new and uncertain times, pupils will have spent many months away from school due to the closures put in place as a result of Covid-19.
Last year, schools in England were closed to all pupils except those of key-workers and vulnerable children on the 20th March.
For the majority of the summer, most learning took part remotely. Huge strides in online education were made in months that perhaps previously would have taken years. Teachers created learning packs, online lessons and updated communication systems – rising to the challenge of how to educate their pupils without the the essential face-to-face contact and personal interaction.
Then September arrived and the clamour for the reopening of schools returned. Pressure was on for schools to serve their communities once more. Parents were expecting pupils to return to "normal" schooling despite the Covid-19 procedures that needed to be followed...
Now, in 2021, we sit once again in a lockdown with remote learning and home...